
Whether you reside in the tans and umbers of the southwest or the naval blue and gray of the northeast, the color of your house, inside and out will greatly affect the salability of your home. Chromatic schemes and palettes create a subliminal response in potential buyers that will either draw them in with an offer or send them running to another neighborhood. The right combination of tints and hues, both interior and exterior, is essential to selling your home quickly and for the right price.  Learn more about how Exterior Paint Choices Influence Interior Decisions.

Exterior Paint Choices

Contrary to what many artistic individuals may believe, this is not an area to be creative and show your “personality”. If the neon-purple exterior of your home clashes with the Green Earth / Fiery Brown or Red Barn / Domino theme of the surrounding houses, it throws out several signals. The first is that you, as the current owner, weren’t happy with the house color which may have led to discontent with the house and a subsequent lack of upkeep. Secondly, a discordant pigmentation throws off the “feel” of the neighborhood. True, this may sound a touch OCD, however humans are programmed to prefer patterns and groupings that are similar. Unless the disruption of the pattern is done in a tasteful and understated way, buyers will be thrown off and find themselves turning to other options. Finally, garish colorants have a subconscious connotation of immaturity which also suggests a lack of maintenance and care and no one wants to buy a house with issues.

Interior Paint Choices

This is where you have a little more leeway for creativity, however taste and proper attention to palette are still important. Although white with an accent here and there is usually standard since a white room appears to have more space, rooms with the proper balance of hues will portray the chromatic personality that the Exterior won’t allow. Bright pastels create a playful mood where soft blues and greys create a calming and soothing effect. Remember to keep the colors either complimentary or thematically contrasting. Don’t pick your schema at random just because it looked good on a poster. Blazing neons are still out except for teen’s rooms and those need to be redone before the house goes on the market.

Unsure About Your Paint Choices?

If you are unsure of your choices, look to nature for colors that go well together and will please the eye. There are different shades of green and brown in a forest, deserts and arid plains favor tans or browns, and sea sides have a wonderful mix of blues and whites. Additionally, you can take the colors of the area you live in. Maine and Washington lend themselves to ocean and winter complementary tints where Arizona and Nevada would seem wrong without the soft yellows and khakis of the surrounding terrain. If all else fails, hire a consultant or look to big name paint companies and DIY stores. They often have cards that have popular colors that work together.

Always keep in mind that you are looking to enhance the look of your home with everything you do, especially when it comes time to place it in the care of another owner. The proper choice and use of colors is imperative for a quick and profitable sale.

Feel free to call True Performance Real Estate today and any questions you might have about popular Interior and Exterior paint choices for homes in Colorado!

Call: 303-317-6311