
When you are looking to buy a home in Colorado, one of the most important aspects of the house is the garage. Some use it for storage, others as a workshop, and, most popularly, as a place to park a car. However you use(or want to use) your garage, most people consider it a luxury since it guards quite a few of your valuables; often the second largest purchase you have ever made, your car. In any case, whether as a carport, storage shed, or workshop, making sure that your garage is usable for what you want is crucial before you buy. So as you are roaming from house to house, looking for that perfect home, think about how you want to utilize your garage and check that it is capable of providing for your needs. To help with that, we have comprised a list of things to look for depending on what you want to use your garage for.  Here are some helpful tips on Determining Your Garage Needs.


This is where many people brush by a garage without really thinking about it. If you only intend on using it for parking your car, take a couple of minutes before you buy. Will your car fit? As odd as that may sound, many older homes in small cookie-cutter developments had garages attached for the look of the thing, not as an actual garage and might not accommodate your vehicle. After all, no one wants to get parked only to discover that they have to crawl out of the sun roof because the doors can’t open all the way. Think of the future as well. Sure, your sports car or sedan will slide easily into place, but what about the minivan you’ll probably have to get as your family expands. Finally, will there be a place where you can install a charger if you have a car that needs one?

Garage Storage

Just about every garage ends up as a storage place in some way, shape, or form. For some homeowners, this may mean a few shelves on the wall with room enough for a car. For those with 2 ports, storage may take up half of the garage space. Finally, there are those that use the entire space for as a stockroom for keepsakes. When shopping for your home, make sure that your garage has the space necessary for your storage needs. Are the studs sturdy enough to hang shelving from or will you need standing racks? If you are going to need to purchase racks, is the floor flat enough that you won’t need shims? Is there an “attic space” that you can shove items into? By asking yourself these important questions, you will be able to determine if the garage will fit your storage needs.

Garage Workshop

Quite often, the garage doubles as a workshop full of tools and machinery. If this is your intended use, a flat floor is even more important especially if you plan to be rolling under a car or pushing your table saw across to room. More importantly, is the garage setup for your power needs? Are there enough outlets of 110 or 220? Will you need to install more? Is there adequate lighting or will you need to purchase and hang a few more lamps or fixtures? For the winter time, is the garage sealed enough to keep in heat or will you need to plug a few holes and seams? Take a few moments to visualize your workshop layout as you do your walk-through so that you aren’t caught out later on as you are setting up.

Determining Your Garage Needs

When shopping for your home, don’t simple breeze by the garage. It is more important than you think for whatever purpose you put it to. Look it over for leaks or damage and, above all, make sure you can lock it. After all, your belongings, whether stored keepsakes, tools, or vehicle will be inside. So ask yourself one final question…”Will the garage suit my needs?”

For more information about these wonderful homes, please contact your True Performance Real Estate Agent today. We look forward to helping you move into your dream home!

Call: 303-317-6311