
Colorado Home InspectionTo inspect, or not to inspect–that is the question (with apologies to Bill Shakespeare and pretty much everyone else): Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of unknown foundation damage Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To inspect; to know

Now you are in the market for a new home and you think you’ve found the right one, but what if your new residential gem hides a possibly expensive or even fatal flaw beneath its aluminum sided exterior. How can you know what horrors lurk in the homes of men? Can you, in good faith, take the word of the previous owner? Though they have a comforting countenance as you tour their castle, they themselves may not even be aware of dragons and trolls in the basement. What recourse can all true and noble buyers turn to for aid in this time of uncertainty?

But soft! What light through yonder Google breaks? It is the East, and the inspector is the sun. Arise fair sun and kill the safety uncertainty!

By hiring a professional to inspect your, hopefully soon to be, new home, you can be certain that the Malevolent Black Mold Knight has not taken up residence in your wall or that a ghastly infestation of termite trolls are not eating away at your fortress walls. A qualified inspector will check all of the big ticket items that might eat away your treasury to fix such as the foundation, roof, electrical, or sewer lines. After all, no one desires to reside with a plugged up privy!

Your knight in uniformed armor will also check for the invisible poisons of Radon and carbon monoxide as well as any other contaminants that may pose a health risk for you and your family.

Yet, will the employment of such a renowned hero require the dispensation of a first born child? Will taxes on the villagers need to be raised? Nay. Most local inspectors charge a modest fee of anywhere from $300-$500 which is a small percentage of the price you are planning to spend on your new castle anyway.

“But”, the herald cries,” this may still be a hefty sum for some! Is it worth the cost?”

The answer is a resounding YES!  Wouldst thou purchase horse without spinning its wheels or cart without checking its teeth? (just wanted to see if you were paying attention) Not in a hot January! Only a fool would be so daft and you are none thereof! You know the wisdom of having certainty in your citadel and will go to any length to keep such dangers at bay!

However, the question doth arise: “To whom can I turn to find such a hero? Who knows of reputable from rapscallion? For this, look no further than that of the simple offices of True Performance Real Estate. Our sage agents know the value of hiring the right inspector to ensure your peace of mind. We contract with only those of the highest honor and spurn any who would feed dark deceptions and falsehoods to thine ears. Fear not, for we know the import of your peace of mind and strive mightily to engender a safe and peaceable transition from one kingdom to the next for you and having an inspection for your new home is part of the process.

So sleep easy tonight and, until the morrow, adieu.

When you want a realtor who will make you their number one priority, it’s time to contact me to set up an initial consultation. Feel free to call True Performance Real Estate today and any questions you might have about a home inspection for your future home.

Call: 303-317-6311