Your House has a GAS LEAK!!!

Your House has a GAS LEAK!!!

Have you ever been wandering around your home and catch a hint of rotten egg? That means one of two things: either the kids left food out again or Your House has a GAS LEAK!!! Don’t panic! Although this is a serious situation, with the proper information and attitude,...
Determining Your Garage Needs

Determining Your Garage Needs

When you are looking to buy a home in Colorado, one of the most important aspects of the house is the garage. Some use it for storage, others as a workshop, and, most popularly, as a place to park a car. However you use(or want to use) your garage, most people...
Preparing Your Home for an Open House

Preparing Your Home for an Open House

They always say that you never get a second chance at a first impression and never has this been more true or important than when showing your home to a prospective buyer. As Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking states, people...